Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Applied Mechanics Tutorials

Diploma in Civil Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Tutorials -1
Following force are acting on a particle
a) Roll No KN at Roll no⁰ to the Horizontal,
b) 8KN at 90⁰ to the horizontal,
c) 45 KN at 200⁰ to the horizontal,
d) 35KN at 320⁰ to the horizontal
ANS: Roll NO 1:R=33.15@244.17,Roll No 47:R=17.16@195.19(Resultant and Angle are Decrease with increasing Roll no)

Following force are acting on a particle
a) 25KN at Roll no⁰ towards  north of east
b) 30KN at towards to north
c) 45 KN at 45⁰ towards north of west
d) 35KN at 30⁰ towards south of west
ANS: Roll NO 1:R=74.7@130.88,Roll No 47:R=57.60@122.6(Resultant and Angle are Decrease with increasing Roll no)

Find out the magnitude and direction of following system
ANS: Roll NO 5:R=42.9@115.69,Roll No 40:R=94.26@267.32(Resultant and Angle are Increase with increasing Roll no)

Find out the magnitude and direction of following system

ANS: Roll NO 12:R=179.04@2.69,Roll No 38:R=162.88@371.17

If System is in Equilibrium find the unknown force
ANS: R=10

Determine the Direction of force F So that resultant of the force is horizontal. Find The Resultant Also.
If force a)F=1700KN    b) F=2500KN   c) F=3000KN                                                                                            

Ans a)289.77⁰ R=1265.70004      b)320.21⁰ R=2612.8012       c)327.77 R=3227.80015

Find the resultant and Distance of resultant from O and Moment at
Ans R=800KN, Distance from O=5.33m M=4800KNM

Find the resultant and Distance of resultant from O and Moment at O.
Ans R=3256KN, Distance from O=4.25m Angle of Resultant=61⁰48’00”

Two loads of 30 N and WF are hung by a set of wire ropes as shown in figure. Determine the tensions in the wire ropes AB, BC and CD. Also determine the unknown weight WF hung at the point B.

Ans  TCB = 100.38 N, TCD = 111.96 N, TBA = 137.12 N, WF = 122.94 N

A smooth sphere of diameter 20 cm weighing 20 N is supported by a string fixed to the wall. The length of the string is three times the radius of the sphere. Determine the reaction at the wall and the tension in the string.

Ans The tension in the string, T = 21.21 N
Reaction exerted by the wall, R = 7.07 N

Important Topic
Parallelogram Law of Force
Couple and Characteristics
Lami’s Theorem
Resultant of Force
Like/Unlike Parallel force
Equilibrium and Condition of Equilibrium
Varignon’s theory
Triangle Law, Polygon Law
Free body Diagram
Coplanar, non Coplanar Force  

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